Her son - Billy

          Billy is the son of Billy's Mom.  There is no one in their family besides BM and Billy.  Billy is the orange fish who wears green shorts in SpongeBob.  Billy is completely protected from harm by BM, and he is completely invincible.  Billy always gets what he wants.  You are in big trouble if he does not like you.  Billy is known by many as Monroe Rechid.  This is false, and his true name is Billy.  He also may be referred to as Billy Fishkinz, Billy Fish, or Bleh.  If someone asks him for his name and he does not feel like wasting his time by saying his full name, he will just say "Bleh."  Billy's friend's name is Tommy.  Although many say both of their last name's is "Rechid," they are in no way related, and are just friends.  This is another error by those who claim to know the truth.  Tommy looks just like Billy, but he is blue, while Billy is orange.  Billy keeps a slave/babysitter, named Jon Arbuckle.  You may know Jon from the comic-strip/show Garfield.  Billy frequently tortures Jon, and Jon can't do anything about it.  The worst thing you can do in the eyes of BM is to harm Billy (although she will never let this happen).